goodbye evans
feb 17, 2021
I once knew a minister who told me that he’d rather do a funeral than a wedding because no one ever talks badly about the guest of honor.
I think that Kerry Evans McNab would find that joke funny... He was always laughing and he loved a good one-liner...
Our friend, Evans has passed away and among the things we can all agree upon is that he was far too young.
His close friends have poured out their feelings because he was a special person and they grew up together on this small island of Roatan… It is a society of intimates and they knew Evans and shared this island world with him.
He was equally loved by people who knew him in passing… The true revelation about a person is how they treat people they don’t know very well.
In the case of Evans, he made you feel like a friend. I’ll give you an example.
When I first arrived on Roatán... I attended the Rotary Club Meeting... There were the usual suspects...
Larry, Luey, Mike, Russ, Edward, Edda, Mandy... and of course... Evans.
Evans always had a ready smile (like he knew something that you didn’t.)
He was the Sgt. at Arms when I first began going to Rotary... One of his duties was to sell raffle tickets for the nightly raffle and collect the money for the Rotary.
At the end of the night, Evans would do the drawing... (part of the winnings would go to the winner and the other part to the Rotary programs.)
I was sporadic in my attendance and when I arrived to the next meeting, there was Evans collecting the money and asking if I was going to participate.
I told him that I’d love to but I didn’t have any cash… but if he loaned me the money and I won, I’d be happy to split the pot with him. He started laughing and said "I know about your radio people."
He gave me 100 L...
And I won.
Evans just shook his head. We had a big laugh about it... And he wouldn't take the winnings... just his 100L...
Every time I'd see him, he look at me and do his best radio voice…
“I’m Madison on the radio and you’re listening to Blue Wave Radio.“
I always got a kick out of it... as did everyone around... (which pre-pandemic was at Larry & Luey’s and everyone was always there…)
In other words, Evans was the kind of person you always looked forward to seeing, and I imagine that goes tenfold if you knew him well.
He was one of the reasons I came to Roatán ... because his love for this island was without question...
Evans... You’ll be missed... and one day when I see you again...
You can count on me to ask you for raffle money...
Fair winds and following seas my friend… Best, Keith
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” - Bob Marley