face up with facebook
Dec 18, 2020
A friend of mine asked me about marketing on FACEBOOK…
THERE is a great documentary out about social media… THE SOCIAL DILEMMA. You can find it on NETFLIX…
The following link is to a conversation between Katic Couric and the film’s producers /creators that give added insight. This interview gets to the heart of what Facebook uses to get your eyes. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
I suggest to everyone who is in business to watch it… because when it comes to FACEBOOK.. YOU are the PRODUCT. What you POST is important.
There is a ton of applied psychology in FACEBOOK (and in any social media)…
FACEBOOK is programmed to only serve people only what they like to consume… and NO ONE that I know wants an advertisement in their personal NewsFeed or Profile Page.
Let’s say your business is a restaurant. Your friends like your page. They see your posts. After a while, they have seen enough. Because they like you they click “like” when they see your post. But all of the likes in the world aren’t ringing your cash register… None of your friends are coming into the restaurant…
The fact is that FACEBOOK is entertainment. And your posts aren’t that entertaining.
You see the goal is to be interesting… not annoying… I know you make a great hamburger… are you really going to tell me that it’s better than another burger? Is the price ridiculous so that it’s a bargain?
Odds are that there are 100 different places on Roatan making a burger… We can create an identity… based on your personality… and your business needs a personality… We can be a lot of things… but we can never be BORING…