and all i got was this stupid t-shirt…
Jan 13, 2021
The comedian Mel Brooks once said, "Tragedy is when I get a hangnail. Comedy is when someone else falls into an open sewer and dies."
Pretty dark...
Kind of like 2020. So I will be your comic relief…
At the beginning of the year… Everything was looking great. My radio station was doing well. I was in the process of opening a bar/restaurant at Caribe Tesoro in West Bay Beach.
Couldn't make it though. It's hard to sell food when there aren't any customers... So with my “humor negro” I just laugh...
Please someone print a t-shirt for me... Here’s what I’d like for it to say…
I opened a Bar in February of 2020... and all I have left is $3000 worth of booze and this stupid t-shirt..
So I decided to help out the survivors…
I won’t be the chick that left Leonardo DiCaprio to freeze when there was plenty of room on that door in Titanic…
If you own a restaurant on Roatan and want free ads... I'm here to help... just reach out...
(good while supplies last, may not be mixed with any offers, contents may settle during shipping, good on all days ending in y, objects in mirror are closer than they appear.)
Thanks for listening to the radio...